MSA, you'll find a computer lab where you can print, comfortable couches to relax or study, a quiet room to destress and center yourself, a private flex-use office space for students needing a space to interview or hold virtual meetings, coffee and snacks to give you an energy boost, and the MSA team available to assist you!
Multicultural Student Affairs Spaces
CSES Multipurpose Room
Center for Student Educational Success Multipurpose Room (MU 3250)
The Center for Student Educational Success (CSES) located on the third floor of the Memorial Union is a collaborative effort between the First Scholars Office, the Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, and TRIO Student Support Services to provide holistic co-curricular support to Iowa State University students.
Student organizations and Iowa State staff, faculty, and departments are invited to reserve space in the CSES Multipurpose Room, located in MU 3250, for programs, meetings, and other student success initiatives.
Features of the CSES Multipurpose Room:
- Occupancy of 40-80 people, based on setup (Theater style=80, Classroom=40, Open round=30-36)
- Rolling tables and chairs for a variety of seating arrangements. The reserving party is responsible for set up and tear down.
- Three dry erase boards
- Two projectors and a presenter stand
- Tele-conferencing compatible
Student Cultural Spaces
Student cultural spaces are places where students can find and create community, build collaborations, and engage in scholarly dialogue. At Iowa State, we offer three student cultural spaces that students can reserve and utilize, the George A. Jackson Black Cultural Center, The Center, and the Memorial Union Multicultural Center.
George A. Jackson Black Cultural Center
517 Welch Ave Ames, IA 50010
Memorial Union Multicultural Center
Memorial Union 2nd Floor
Go to that event, attend that seminar, or join that club that slightly interests you. Getting out of your comfort zone will be more rewarding than you think and along the way you can meet people in your community to support you.
Jisela, MVP Scholar